Monday, February 23, 2009

Paper Clips

Paperclips was interesting because it took a new approach to showing students what happened during WWII. It gave them a hands on approach to learning. The students ended up collecting over 25 million paper clips and managed to get a German Train Car to store the paper clips in. This whole experience helped the students learn more then if they just read it in a textbook and had a teacher lecture on WWII for a certain period of time. It also gave them goals and a sense of accomplishement for what they had done. This may give them confidence to do extraordinary things in the future in and out of the classroom. I believe they was a great thing that these students have done.
I believe that more teachers should try to do things such as this, but probably on a smaller scale as compared to gathering 25 million paper clips. I am confident that doing things that the students have a hands on experience doing helps enhance the learning experience. There are a variety of ways to do this and I think each teacher should do it in there own unique way.

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