Sunday, March 29, 2009

Administration Panel

The guy who came in to talk about what it is like to see things from the administration side of things and how he got to where finished was rather interesting. He made a lot of points that I agreed with such as it is good to change things up a little bit and not do everything the same way and thats it good to continue to work to improve yourself as a teacher. One thing that stands out that I do not agree with is that he said it is not good to teach the same subject or same grade for more then five years. I believe a person can teach the same subject or same grade for many years and still be very successful as long as they continue to evaluate and work to improve themselves every single year that they teach. That they continue to look for new ways to teach a certain area and find what works and what does not work. If they continue to do this I believe a person if their heart desires can teach the same grade or subject for a long period of time and continue to have success.

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