Sunday, March 29, 2009


I feel that Chalk was a rather interesting movie. It showed a teacher who had no clue on how to teach but was willing to learn. That was the history teacher. Another one that had lots of emotion and was really into teaching. This was the gym teacher who was really bouncy. Then there was another history teacher who was in it just for himself and not as much for the students. All he wanted to do was win teacher of the year. Then there was a first year assistant principle who was a teacher and decided to go from behind the desk of a class room and on to administration. She found out that being an assistant principle took up a lot more time the she had anticipated. This movie showed different types of teachers there are out there. The ones that are the most successful are the ones that love their job, willing to improve, have strong knowledge of the subject they are teaching, and show up with a positive attitude. Now this movie did show the extremes of each kind of teacher, but I believe it did a reasonable job at showing the life of a teacher and whats its like to be a teacher. My goal is to be the teacher that is able to relate to all my students at least to a level in which no matter who walks into my classroom I will be able to teach them what I am teaching and do everything in my power to at least have a respect for subject matter that I am teaching.

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